Max Noll


PhD Student in Public International Law

Institut für Völker- und Europarecht
Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5
37073 Göttingen


Since 2019 PhD at Uni­ver­sity of Göt­ting­en with Prof. Dr. An­dreas Pau­lus
07/2024 Vi­si­ting Re­search­er at the De­part­ment of Le­gal Theory and Fu­ture of Law, Uni­ver­sity of Inns­bruck; 09-12/2023 Vis­iting Re­search­er at the Lau­ter­pacht Cen­tre for Inter­natio­nal Law, Uni­ver­sity of Cam­brid­ge; 05-06/2023 Vi­sit­ing Scholar at the MPI Luxem­bourg for Pro­cedu­ral Law (scho­lar­ship 2023); 07-08/2022 Par­tici­pat­ion in the Sum­mer Cour­ses (Pub­lic and Pri­vate Inter­natio­nal Law) of the Hague Aca­demy of Inter­natio­nal Law; PhD Fel­low at the Ger­man Aca­demic Scholar­ship Foun­dat­ion

2017-19 Legal Clerk­ship (Rechtsreferendariat) in­clud­ing trai­ning at the German Fed­eral Const­itutio­nal Court

2011-16 German First State Exam in Law, Göt­tingen and Gal­way

Research Interests

Juris­diction of States, esp­ecially on the inter­net
Data Pro­tect­ion Law, esp­ecially its terri­torial scope


Art. 37-40 Dig­ital Mar­kets Act, in: Mast­/Ket­temann/­Drey­er­/Schulz (eds.), Dig­ital Ser­vic­es Act­/Digi­tal Mar­kets Act Kom­men­tar, Mün­chen: CH Beck (forthcoming)

Limits to the Juris­diction of Sta­tes in Priv­ate Law Matters under Inter­natio­nal Law, Zeit­schrift für aus­län­di­sches öffent­liches Recht und Völker­recht/­Heidel­berg Jour­nal of Inter­nat­ional Law (ZaöRV/­HJIL), 2022 (82), 333-355 (Open Access)

Anfänger­klausur: Caroline. Zu­gleich ein Bei­trag zur mit­tel­baren Dritt­wirk­ung der Grund­rech­te in der Fall­bear­beit­ung, Zeit­schrift für das Jurist­ische Studium (ZJS), 2021 (14), 624-631 (Open Access)


11 May 2023 MPI Luxembourg for Procedural Law Guest Forum: Methods of Interpretation of Customary International Law

3 September 2021 AjV-DGIR Conference 2021 (Bonn): The Obsolete Public-Private Distinction and Jurisdiction in International Law